
assessment at west silc

Across West SILC we assess and celebrate progress relative to the individual pupil, we acknowledge and are aware that the starting points, targets and goals for all of our pupils are very different from class to class, department to department and pupil to pupil.

Throughout our pupils’ time at West SILC assessment takes place via:

Termly assessment of pupil’s own learning within the class using bespoke Learning Journeys

EHCPs are evidenced and reviewed annually during their Educational Health and Care Plan meeting.

At the end of each academic year parents and carers receive an Annual School Report detailing their pupil’s progress and achievement.

Parent’s Meeting Days

Parent/carer level of satisfaction on the achievements and progress of their child

  • Extended leadership observations as part of teacher appraisal

  • The views of pupils in school

  • The views of Parents/Carers

  • External validation from consultants/inspectors

For information on the individual Learning Journeys each class is assessed on please visit the curriculum page