“we are always up early waiting for the school bus to arrive!”
west silc mainsite
4 Town Street, Pudsey, LS28 6HL
0113 386 2450
8:45 - 3:00 (31.25 hours per week)
Students on the SILC main site have a wide range of learning needs as well as communication difficulties including Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and associated behavioural and emotional difficulties. This site has many specialist facilities including a hydrotherapy pool and rebound room as well as specialist teaching areas for subjects: home technology, a multi-sensory room and ICT suite. The SILC main site is divided into three departments, each catering to the specific needs of it’s students. These are the Semi Formal Teaching and Learning Group, 14-19 Teaching and Learning Group and the Complex Communication & Autism Teaching and Learning Group.